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Now in two locations.📍166 Montague St, South Melbourne VIC 3205.📍Unit 7/94 Eucumbene Dr, Ravenhall VIC 3023.
Now in two locations.📍166 Montague St, South Melbourne VIC 3205.📍Unit 7/94 Eucumbene Dr, Ravenhall VIC 3023.



The crafting of ethically sourced Selenite products traces its roots to ancient civilizations that revered this luminous crystal for its profound spiritual and healing properties. Throughout history, artisans and healers alike have recognized the importance of sourcing Selenite in a manner that respects both the Earth and the communities that rely on its abundance.

The use of Selenite dates back thousands of years to cultures such as the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. These civilizations recognized its connection to the moon and its powerful influence on energy and consciousness. Selenite artefacts, jewellery, and statues have been discovered in archaeological excavations, attesting to its valued place in history.

Selenite's cultural significance extends beyond its use as a decorative or healing tool. It has been woven into myths, legends, and spiritual practices, often regarded as a conduit for divine energy and enlightenment. Its ethereal appearance and purported metaphysical properties have made it a cherished material in sacred spaces, from temples to altars.


In recent decades, as awareness of environmental sustainability and ethical sourcing practices has grown, the mining and crafting of Selenite products have undergone a transformation. Ethical sourcing now involves principles that prioritize both the Earth's well-being and the welfare of communities involved in its extraction and production.

  1. Eco-Friendly Mining Practices:

    Modern miners employ eco-friendly techniques to extract Selenite, minimizing environmental impact. These methods prioritise preservation of the surrounding ecosystem, including flora and fauna, and employ sustainable practices to ensure the longevity of Selenite deposits.

  2. Fair Trade and Community Empowerment:

    Ethical sourcing initiatives often prioritize fair trade practices, ensuring that workers in Selenite-producing regions receive fair wages and safe working conditions. Additionally, community development projects are frequently established to support education, healthcare, and infrastructure within these areas.

  3. Respect for Local Cultures:

    Ethical sourcing of Selenite products places a strong emphasis on respecting the traditions and cultures of the communities where the crystal is found. This involves consultation and collaboration with local stakeholders to ensure that mining activities are conducted in a manner that aligns with cultural values and practices.                 

  4. Transparency and Accountability:

    Ethical sourcing initiatives for Selenite products often involve transparency measures that trace the journey of the crystal from the mine to the finished product. This accountability ensures that each step of the process upholds ethical standards and minimizes negative impacts.

  5. Rehabilitation and Reclamation Efforts:

    Ethical sourcing practices may include rehabilitation and reclamation programs to restore and rehabilitate mined areas, ensuring that the land remains viable for future generations and wildlife.



Selenite products made in Morocco typically go through a process that involves mining, extraction, crafting, and finishing. Here is an overview of how these products are made:

  1. Mining and Extraction:

    • Location Identification: The process begins with locating and identifying deposits of selenite in mines and quarries. Morocco is known for having rich selenite deposits, particularly in regions like Naica, Boulmane, and Erfoud.

    • Extraction: Miners use specialized tools and machinery to extract selenite from the earth. This process requires care to avoid damaging the crystals during extraction.

  2. Sorting and Cleaning:

    • Sorting: Once extracted, the raw selenite is sorted based on quality, size, and clarity. Higher quality pieces are typically set aside for more intricate and valuable products.

    • Cleaning: The raw selenite pieces are cleaned to remove any dirt or debris accumulated during the extraction process. This may involve gentle brushing or washing.

  3. Crafting:

    • Cutting and Shaping: Skilled artisans use saws, grinders, and other cutting tools to shape the selenite into desired forms. This can include slices, wands, spheres, or other shapes depending on the intended product.

    • Carving and Sculpting: Some selenite products, such as statues or intricate carvings, require additional handcrafting. Artisans with expertise in carving work meticulously to create detailed designs.

  4. Finishing:

    • Polishing: Selenite products are often polished to enhance their natural luster and shine. This can be done using polishing wheels and various abrasive compounds.

    • Engraving and Embellishments: For products like engraved selenite plaques or embellished items, additional detailing may be added at this stage.

  5. Quality Control:

    • Skilled artisans and quality control experts inspect each product to ensure it meets the desired standards in terms of aesthetics, craftsmanship, and overall quality.                                                                              
  6. Packaging and Shipping:

    • Once the selenite products have passed quality control, they are carefully packaged to protect them during transit. Packaging materials may include bubble wrap, foam, or specialized boxes.
  7. Distribution and Export:

    • Finished selenite products are then distributed to wholesalers, retailers, or exported to international markets. Morocco is a significant exporter of selenite products, supplying them to various countries around the world.

It's important to note that in Morocco, as in many other countries, there are efforts to incorporate ethical and sustainable practices in the production of selenite products. This may include considerations for the environment, fair labor practices, and community well-being. We go above and beyond to make sure we source our selenite products only through ethical manufacturers, we do the hard work so you can be at ease in knowing you are doing fair shopping. Visit our website to see the range of Selenite products we stock (online & in-store).


A selenite charging plate is a flat piece of selenite crystal often used to cleanse, clear, and recharge other crystals. Here's how it works:

  1. Cleansing Properties: Selenite has a powerful cleansing energy. When other crystals are placed on a selenite charging plate, it helps to remove any accumulated or stagnant energies from them. This leaves the crystals in a pure and energetically clear state.

  2. Amplification of Energy: Selenite has the unique ability to amplify the energy of other crystals. When you place crystals on a selenite charging plate, it intensifies their natural properties, making them more potent and effective in their intended purpose.

  3. Quick and Convenient: Using a selenite charging plate is a quick and convenient way to cleanse and recharge multiple crystals at once. It's especially useful for those who have a collection of crystals that they use regularly.

  4. No Need for Water or Sunlight: Unlike some other methods of cleansing and charging crystals, such as rinsing them in water or exposing them to sunlight, a selenite charging plate doesn't require any additional elements. This makes it a low-maintenance option.

  5. Gentle and Safe: Selenite is a gentle crystal and won't damage or alter the properties of the crystals it's used to cleanse and charge. It's safe for most types of crystals, making it a versatile tool for crystal practitioners.

  6. Continuous Cleansing: When left on a selenite charging plate, crystals can continue to benefit from its purifying energy. This can be particularly useful for crystals that are used frequently and may accumulate energies over time.

  7. Energetic Alignment: Selenite is associated with promoting balance and alignment of energy. When crystals are placed on a selenite charging plate, they can benefit from this balancing effect, which can enhance their effectiveness in energy work and healing practices.

The historic making of ethically sourced Selenite products represents a continuum of reverence for this luminous crystal, now coupled with a modern commitment to environmental sustainability and community well-being. By integrating these ethical practices into the sourcing and crafting process, artisans and businesses uphold the intrinsic value of Selenite while respecting the Earth and its inhabitants. This historic journey serves as a testament to the enduring significance of Selenite, not only as a precious mineral but also as a symbol of ethical stewardship. We hold these values very strongly and continue to pass down the same to our generations to come.

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